There are some things I just hate to spend money on.
-Nylons.... they always seem to get a snag about 5 minutes after I've put them on. (Therefore, I've stopped wearing them at all! Good solution! Except, I found out that nylons are "back in" again.... great.)
-Socks for the boy (he always "runs" a hole in them. Takes after his mom who hates to wear shoes!)
-dog medication- (super expensive, no insurance coverage, I have to coax him with meat to get him to eat it.)
-store-bought cupcakes (the school won't let me make home-made even though mine are waaaaaay better!)
- car parts- (cars should just run... you know, without having to replace seemingly unimportant parts)
-printer ink (possibly the most expensive liquid in the history of humanity, right?)
and finally, the reason for my post today,
-Seriously expensive for the good kind,
-no one ever sees it,
-none are ever very comfortable, no matter HOW comfortable they claim to be. (How can a thick heavy wire EVER be comfortable?)
-Did I mention they are expensive???
I bought 2 yesterday, NOT on sale, and it came to $50! I can buy a cute pair of shoes with that kind of money, or a few great shirts, or 5 bottles of various hair colors to match my every whim! But to plunk down that kind of money on something so.... so.... necessary, true... but..... boring!
And to top it all off, I got it off a website called, get this: "A Fresh Pair".
Yep. I thought it was a joke. It probably is. Nevertheless, they happily took my money, and in a week I, too, will have a "fresh pair".
And a seriously deflated bank account. *sigh*
Big Red
4 weeks ago
I seriously don't know what to think about that website name. But I am in total agreement. I put off replacing old bras for as long as humanly possible for these very reasons.
Like nylons, I just go without.
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