Life has a funny way of throwing you a major curve ball at the most inopportune times.
The post I did entitled "Warning... downer blog ahead" gave some detail into what I've been going through with a certain person in my life.
Today, I found out that person has gone into the hospital because they have been bleeding internally for a few weeks now, and didn't tell anyone. The doctor said if it had gone another day, they would be dead. Now, they will be in the hospital for a few days having tests done, and a blood transfusion when they find out where the bleeding is coming from.
I am exhausted emotionally and physically. I can't keep doing this with this person. I am turning comments off because I just can't deal with it right now. All I want is Ben and Jerry's "Everything but the....". But I have no drive to go get it.
Big Red
4 weeks ago