Merritt's Mother's Day Haiku:
Tired, Worn, Frazzled
Cook, Clean, Heal, Wash, Teach, Sew, Fix....
Mom, You need a nap!
I love Mother's day! Any day that is about pampering people who work hard and don't make any money doing it is ok by me!!!!
Some moms feel guilt on Mother's Day. I don't get this at all! I mean, you don't have to do much to earn the title "Mother". You have a kid,( or more), you feed them, clothe them, put bandaids on boo-boos, tell them stories, stop them from sticking things in sockets, pick up after them, do laundry, do dishes, fix their hair, (sometimes fix your own hair), go on walks with them, catch bugs in the garden, sing night-time songs, teach them about the birds and bees- (cuz dad won't!), help them with homework. I mean, that's about it!
So, on Mother's day, you can totally revel in the fact that you are a mom, and dangit all.... you deserve a day to kick up your feet and be given breakfast, lunch and dinner. Maybe a few flowers, a homemade card, and even some chocolate if your lucky!
Thank you, Merritt and Eason for giving me a fabulous Mother's Day! You two are the sweetest reasons for Mother's Day that there is!!!! I love ya!!!!
The ‘Do of ’72
2 days ago
I have all my dishes from Mother's Day waiting for me.
I love my Saucy Frock! Thank you. And can I say again how impressed I am with the whole package. It definately gives the appearance of more than a living room business.
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