I guess I'm still fixated on the "Hoarding" show I watched the other night that caused me to frantically clean and organize my house.
I've been thinking a lot about how crazy and illogical those people seemed on the show. I sat there thinking, "How can they not see how freaky they are?" But over the last few days I've come to a realization:
We're all freaky!
I mean, seriously. Can't you think of one totally weird or compulsive thing about almost everyone you know well? If you can't, I don't think you know them well. Really!
In my circle of acquaintences I know of all sorts of odd compulsions, or things that make each person unique. I was going to start listing them off here, but that might make some people upset. The key here, people, is that many of us probably aren't aware that we HAVE any freakish tendencies!
I, however, am fully aware of all my disfunctionalities! Just to list a few:
-I can't stand to have a cupboard door left open or a drawer open. I will get up out of bed to go check if I think there is any left open. Even if it's downstairs!
- I HAVE to have a clean living room if I know people are coming over. Drop by unannounced? You might find a seriously irritated me...not because I'm not happy to see you, but because my living room might not be clutter-free.
- If a dish I've made doesn't come out perfect, I am pretty mopey the rest of the evening...or for a few days. Even if it tastes ok.
-socks MUST match...no, white doesn't go with everything.
-I cannot...repeat: Can NOT just follow a recipe without changing something in it. Even if I've never made it before...it's a real sickness!
- I HAVE to sit on the second row at church. HAVE TO...it's like, if I don't, I'm not going to Heaven. I really get jittery and upset if I can't sit there. I know...need counseling!
- I REFUSE to touch the door handles at movie theaters and restaurants. I will wait for someone else to open the door, or if I have to, grab it with my sleeve.
-I WILL NOT sit in a hot tub if there are people I don't know in it. Who wants to take a bath with strangers and their dead skin cells?! Gross!
Well,It just goes to show, we can't judge another's oddities because we might be suffering from something much worse!
What are some of your freakish tendencies???
Big Red
4 weeks ago
I agree about the hot tub thing. I just can't do it... too many germs and who knows what else floating around in there...
I do agree, we all have freakish tendencies. I sort my candy (skittles, gummy bears, etc) by color and eat them in some sort of color pattern. Yep, I'm a weirdo! I also have this overachiever complex...even if I do something well, it isn't good enough unless it is above and beyond. I once did extra credit when I already had an A. That said, to shed some light on the hoarding issue, it is more like an addiction mindset...except people have a hard time seeing it because it isn't a really obvious addicition like drugs or alcohol. Really sad.
I'm sure I would have made your list of acquaintences with weirdo fixations! My sister and I joke that everyone thinks they are normal and that everyone else is weird thereby making us all weird. I embrace my weirdness.
The list was getting too long to qualify as a comment.
People already think I'm strange. I don't need to confirm their suspicions by admitting anything here!
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