I used to be a fashion snob. It's true. In high school, I would not blink at spending $100 for a cute pair of pants, or $60 for a nice shirt. Of course, it wasn't MY money, it was my parents'! I would buy ONLY those name brands deemed worthy by my fellow peers... Guess, Girbaud, Gap, Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren, etc. I even had to wear Victoria's Secret undies! Like who's gonna see my undies?! (Actually, I really miss how they fit and felt....and all the cute colors and patterns......) My tops usually always matched my socks... I mean exactly! I never left the house without full makeup and hair. I don't like to say I have let myself go to pot, but now that I am spending my own money on clothes, things are very different!
I think in College is when I realized all those name brands don't matter. In college, it's kind of cool to look, well.... like a starving college student! I think people actually turned their noses up at me on my first day in college. I remember wearing a cute printed button down shirt from the Gap, and my tights matched the print of my shirt exactly! (looking back, it was pretty nerdy in a "Some Kind of Wonderful" - "Amanda Jones" kind of way. I had on a pair of really expensive alligator shoes, and really big hair. (Yes, it was reeeeeaaallly big!) I quickly learned that I was waaaay to overdressed for the real world. Granted, when I got an office job, I had to look the part, but none of my friends or classmates wanted me to look like I was at work when they were with me. So, I donned a pair of well-worn jeans, and comfy sweater, and began my life as someone who doesn't care what brand my clothes are, or how much they cost.
With that said, I just plunked down $45 dollars for a pair of jeans. Yes, they were on sale, (originally $60.... gulp!) and I happened to be using my Macy's gift card my sweet husband gave me for Christmas, so it wasn't really my money, but I still feel like I am yanking food out of starving children's mouths somewhere in Africa. Yes, I really like how they feel, and they may make my butt look a little smaller... (like a Rhino's as opposed to an Elephant's), but even as I wear them, I am filled with guilt. (I tried to get a picture of the jeans actually ON me, but do have any idea how hard it is to take a flattering picture of your own behind?!)
I am a "What Not To Wear"- aholic. It's a show that takes really badly dressed frumpy people and teaches them how to dress to flatter their figures, and show their bodies off in the best way. Sometimes I cry when I see the change in some people. (The model-looking girl who wore safety pins all the way up the inside of her dress pant leg, who had no self-esteem made me bawl like a baby.... of course, it was that time of the month!) I try to take ideas from that show and work them into my own little life. It's hard, though. I am a stay-at-home mom with nowhere to go, and nothing to do but clean and do laundry and shop. It's not like I'm going to wear dress pants and a nice blazer every day. Besides, I have this uncanny ability to spill all over whatever I just put on within 5 minutes of putting it on. So, it's usually Old Navy T's and jeans for me!
Which brings me back to the jeans. I own one pair of jeans.... (well, up til now it was only one.) I usually wear them every day for about a week, take them off to hurry and throw them in the washing machine, wait and wait to leave the house until they are done drying so I can wear them again for another week. Sure, I can afford to buy more, but I really like these jeans, and I don't think I can find any others that make me feel so cozy, and I'd much rather dress my husband and son cute! But, taking a good hard look at my sorry jeans, I had to admit that I really should go get more. I got these from Old Navy.... on sale for $4! Where am I going to find another deal like that again? But, I had this gift card burning a hole in my pocket, and Merritt said "Go buy yourself something nice" so what do I get? Jeans. I got some other killer deals more up my price alley, like $80 dress pants for $9.99, Cute $70 jacket for.... yep, $9.99, so I guess splurging on $45 jeans isn't so bad when you average it out. It would be like I spent $21 per item, which is not bad at all. I guess I'll look at it that way. Then I won't feel horribly guilty every time I wear them. Then again, maybe I'll just call them my "Africa" pants to remind me of how unimportant expensive clothing really is in the big picture.
Big Red
1 month ago
Okay this made me laugh because I picked up the bad ( and good) habit of thrift shopping from my parents. It is now impossible for me to spend more than $10 on an item without feeling guilty. But I read this great book called "The Hot Mammas Handbook" and I've been able to break out a little. I love your blog, it is always so fun to read! And you go girl on those aprons, very cute!
I love this post. I feel the same way about clothes. Actually I take it back. If I had $100.00 to spend on some hot jeans or VS lingerie I have to admit that I would do it. But now I can't come to terms with buying anything for myself unless it's cheap. I feel like such a frump!!
Also, I LOVE "What not to Wear." It is my favorite show! I know you wouldn't be able to tell by the way I dress. Stacy London is adorable and I just want to eat Clinton up! I wish I could get away with telling people how it is like them.
Hey, it is a great thing for us to splurge once in a while. We are always taking care of everyone else. With that said I am a frump too! Just like Ruth said. Although I don't ever think she is frumpy! And Erin, you always look so beautiful and trendy! You make the cutest clothes!
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